Have been programming and watching tutorials for like a month and I just started out programming with Python. Made some scripts for Maya and Nuke (Nothing complicated and I think the code is awful but anyway it's fun to just try things) :)
My goal is to follow 3dbuzz course and write a modular rigging system.
![]() |
Created my own bulk-renamer |
Here is some code I have been scripting:
This is my Rename-Tool.
It creates a nameField for all your selections so you quickly can rename them
And if you want you can add a prefix and replace words in your names.
(this script looks pretty awful but it works)
#Importera maya cmds som cmds.
import maya.cmds as cmds
#använder slObj för att räkna ut hur många selections som finns.
slObj = 0
#Spar alla selections i en variabel "selection"
selection = cmds.ls(sl=True)
#Skapar fönster
window = cmds.window( title="ReName", iconName='ReName')
cmds.columnLayout( adjustableColumn=True)
#Skapar ett nameField för alla selections. kollar så det finns selections
if selection == []:
cmds.text("Must select objects before running script!")
cmds.button( label='Close', command=('cmds.deleteUI(\"' + window + '\", window=True)') )
cmds.text("Rename your selections:")
for s in selection:
slObj +=1
cmds.text("You have selected %s" % slObj + " object(s)")
#Skapar ett textField/knapp för att kunna lägga till Prefixer
cmds.text("Add prefix")
prefixName = cmds.textField('prefixName', text = "_prefix")
def click(text):
cmds.button(label='Add Prefix', command=click)
def createPrefix(prefixName):
newSelection = cmds.ls(sl=True)
prefixVal = cmds.textField(prefixName, query=True, text = True)
for s in newSelection:
cmds.rename(s,s + prefixVal)
#Funktion för att kunna byta ut textrader i namnet till andra texter.
oldName= cmds.textField('oldName',text="old")
newName= cmds.textField('newName',text="new")
def Replace(text):
replaceSelection = cmds.ls(sl=True)
oldNameVal = cmds.textField('oldName', query=True, text=True)
newNameVal = cmds.textField('newName', query=True, text=True)
for i in replaceSelection:
reName = i
#Skapar en knapp för att kunna stänga fönster & för att visa fönster..
cmds.button( label='Close', command=('cmds.deleteUI(\"' + window + '\", window=True)') )
cmds.showWindow( window )
Here is a another script that fix texture paths, had some problem with it earlier when I was
moving project files from my school computer to my computer @ home.
and this is an easy fix.
import maya.cmds as cmds
import os
fileNodes = cmds.ls(type="file")
for f in fileNodes:
attrb = "%s.fileTextureName" % f
fullname = cmds.getAttr(attrib)
name = os.path.split(fullname)[-1]
newName = os.path.join("Textures", name)
cmds.setAttr(attrib, newName, type="string")
I have written some more (like some cool nukescripts!) but I'll not post it because it takes up to much space.
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